Parent-Guardian Info


Getting Involved in Your Child’s Education

At OVS, we know that your child’s education is important to you. We also know that traditional high school methodologies make it so that, for the majority of the school year, your primary source of information about your child’s progress in their classes is, in fact, your child. Often, mid-semester report cards and quarterly parent-teacher meetings are the only direct way for the busy parent to stay apprised of their child’s educational progress. As parents ourselves, we wanted more.

Transparency is Important to Us

When we set out to design an alternative to traditional schooling more than a decade ago, we vowed that the parents of OVS students would never find themselves in this situation. Today, Ontario Virtual School offers an online learning platform that has been custom-designed to ensure this promise is upheld.

Here are some of the key ways we keep you in the loop:

During registration, we provide the option to include multiple parent/guardian emails. For students under the age of majority (18 years old), the parent/guardian contact(s) will be included on all important emails and communications, including mark updates and student success check-ins. For students over the age of 18, we will keep you informed so long as the student has granted us permission to do so.

Simply provide your personal email when you register your child and we will generate a separate set of login details for you that will be tied to your student’s account. This parent portal will allow you to check in on your student’s academic success at any point, without having to physically look over their shoulder! Through it, you can view your child’s progress, last login, as well as any marks and feedback provided by the teacher. Our parent portal offers a hands-off way for you to stay apprised of your child’s progression in their course(s).

Parents want to know what their children are learning. At OVS, parents can view lessons from their guardian account, allowing you to follow along with your student’s studies, including assigned homework and additional resources. The only difference between parent and student accounts is the ability to access tests and submit evaluations.

Upon registration, both students and parents will automatically receive a welcome email from the course instructor. Parents can use this contact email to connect with their child’s teacher at any time if they have questions or concerns. Our faculty is happy to work with parents to promote the academic success of our students.


Our dedicated faculty and administrative team consistently monitor student progress to ensure optimal success. If we notice any cause for concern, we will reach out to you directly. Likewise, we welcome parent queries at any point throughout the course. Our administration is available from 8am to 8pm by phone, chat, or email. Whatever your concern, we will work with you to ensure your child’s educational needs are met. (For more on how we support our students, see our Guidance & Student Success page



Parent engagement is a key factor in enhancing student achievement. When parents get involved, student motivation and grades improve. At OVS, we help parents and teachers work together with their students to ensure optimum success. Do you have an academic or pathway question?Our Guidance Counsellors are here to help you!

Do you have an academic or pathway question?
Our Guidance Counsellors are here to help you!